Monday, July 26, 2010

33 days...

Anticipation is really starting to build now, as we are getting closer to your due date. Not only is your mom ready for you to arrive, but I am astonished at the number of people in our lives that are also excited to meet you. We do have amazing friends and family, as you will surely find out in the near future.

Speaking of friends, I got to meet your buddy Lil' Carm this weekend. Your mom had to work, but I got to hang out with the Grandes and the Solines on Saturday. In addition to Lil' Carm, Lucas is also getting bigger every day. Although neither of the boys can speak, I am pretty sure they are excited to meet their third musketeer.

You are really starting to make your mom's life miserable. Don't feel too bad about it, there is really nothing you can do about it. The longer you stay in the oven, the better the chance that you will come out happy and healthy. She is definitely taking it one day at a time now, but if you felt like coming out a few days early, I am sure she would be grateful! FYI, my guess is August 18th...

Your nursery/master bedroom is almost complete. You crib is finally put together, and we only have a few minor details to tend to before you come. But overall, we are pretty much ready for your arrival. You seem to be running out of room in your current accommodations, which limits your ability to throw those punches and kicks that your mom and I have come to enjoy. You are also starting to settle a little bit lower in mom's belly, which indicates that you may be making an appearance sooner than expected.

You are now the size of a crenchaw melon (seriously who determines these comparisons?). You are almost 6 pounds, and still growing at about an ounce a day. At the end of this week, you will be considered “full-term,” and you should be starting to make your way into a head-down position (which we think you already are).Till the next time...


Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby Class...

So this weekend was our "Childhood Development" class, or "New Parent" class, whatever you want to call it. We learned all about the hell that you will be putting your mother through in the coming weeks. But not to worry, she has learned how to breath just right, so that ALL of the pain will subside and you will simply walk right out. The class did have quite a bit of useful information about your pending arrival, as well as what to expect in the first few days after you are here. It all seems a little overwhelming, but I have a feeling that taking care of you will be so rewarding that we will forget what a pain in the ass you are!

I think you are starting to run out of room in your current home, because its seems as if you are starting to get annoyed at the lack of space nature has provided you inside the womb. Most of the time (maybe when you are sleeping), your mom's pregnant belly is symmetrical and nice to look at. However, when you get frustrated with your current living situation, you tend to use any body part you can to let her know you are ready for some additional space, which makes her stomach look distended and weird (think Rocky from the movie Mask). I am pretty sure we are just as anxious as you are, except we aren't punching and kicking anyone or anything to express our restlessness. And don't get to excited to get out and stretch your legs, once you see our family's living arrangement, you may be begging for another upgrade sooner than you think!

34 Weeks Pregnant
Overall, things are going well. Doctor says you are doing good, and so far we are not expecting any complications. As of today, you are 40 days from arrival. Personally, I think you will be here in the next 30 days, but that is mere speculation than actual science. That picture above is about what some website thinks you look like right now. Can't wait to meet you!

Til the next time...


Monday, July 12, 2010

Nursery/Master Bedroom...

Your new home is starting to take shape. Mom and I spent the better part of yesterday clearing out some of our clutter to make room for your clutter. Almost everything is complete, save for the crib, which I found out was broken while I was in the middle of putting it together. A replacement part should be here within a week and we will then be able to finish of your section of our family bedroom!

I bought your headphones on Saturday and you have been listening to music all weekend. Mom says that some songs make you move a lot more than others, but we are not sure if that means you like it or you are trying to get away from it. We picked a lot of songs that your mom and I really like, and overall it should expose you to a nice eclectic mix of music. I just wish I knew what you liked and what you didn't. I guess we will find out after we meet.

With less than 7 weeks left, we are almost in "any day" territory. I am still mentally prepared for August 28th, but for some reason, lots of people think you will be early. Mom has a pool at her work to guess your due date, and lots of people are picking early dates.

I think I am getting better at picking out what body part you are pushing with inside of mom. You are starting to get too big to move around freely, and mom's belly is starting to flex in some really weird shapes. While it is good to know that you are active, it is really starting to freak mom out. I find it amusing, but I must admit, sometimes it is a bit bizarre. But let's be honest, this whole 9 month process is REALLY surreal to go through.

Can't wait to meet you.

Till the next time...


Friday, July 9, 2010

50 Days To Go (Give or Take)...

7 weeks and 1 day is what I have settled in to. Although there is a good chance that you may be here sooner, I am going to try to assume that I am still 50 days from meeting you. You have really been moving quite a bit lately, so I think you may be here earlier than expected, but 50 days is what I am preparing myself for.

Mom is currently working on a putting together some music that she thinks you might like. We will also be investing in some headphones so we can pipe that music into you while you are still inside. Hopefully you like what you hear, because some of it will be the same music that I can play on my guitar for you when you are out. As long as you are not into country or death metal, I think you will like what you hear. The playlist will probably be a work in progress, since mom will have to try to determine what you like by your reactions. Did I mention that you are not allowed to like country or death metal? Just checking...

We are going to try and make some more progress on your nursery/our master bedroom this weekend. We have all the pieces, we just need to put them in a suitable arrangement that works for all three of us. I will keep you updated on our progress, and maybe even post a pic or two once we are done.

By the way, you are now the size of a Honeydew Melon and still growing. You better thank mom as soon as you come out (I would suggest flowers, but I don't think that would be enough)!!!!

Till the next time...


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July Weekend...

What a fantastic weekend. Mom was off all weekend, and we got to spend some time with friends and family. In addition, we were surrounded by kids all weekend, ranging in age from 4 months to 6 years old. Our parenting skills must be starting to kick in, because I only got annoyed by the kids a few times...

This was also your first exposure to fireworks, or so we think, since your mother claims that you were wide awake and kicking like crazy during the shows on Saturday and Sunday night. It was either that, or the sheer enjoyment of the sugar rush caused by an enormous funnel cake doused with apple pie filling and cinnamon and sugar. This time next year, you will be 10 months old, and may actually be able to enjoy them OUT of the womb.

As of today, you are 53 days away from our due date. Time is definitely flying by at this point. Mom met with a pediatrician this morning that she felt very comfortable with, so it looks like Dr. Charles Friedel will be our new "family" doctor. Kind of sounds weird to think that I will soon have a full blown "family," let alone an actual "family" doctor, but this is just ONE more thing that I will have to get used to.

Spent time yesterday with Grandma and Grandpa T, as well as some of our family friends that we grew up with in the Hills. We sat around watching old family movies of me, your Aunt Amy, Barbie, and bunch of other neighborhood kids playing tee ball, and I must admit, I am already proud of the potential you have, even though you are only the size of a large jicama, whatever the hell that is (see pic to below). I will have to wait a bit longer to test your throwing, catching, setting, and hitting prowess, but I already know that you can kick the inside of a womb!!!
That will do for today. I did get in a few holes of golf over the weekend, a luxury that will surely be cut back once you make your grand entrance. I am still feverishly trying to cram in as many "non-family-related" good times as possible. My fear is that this will cause me to go through much worse golf withdrawal than I anticipated, but regardless, I am sure enjoying it now!!

Till the next time
